Salt Cave
When you visit us, all we ask of you is to “Just Breathe.” We are the only Salt spa in Connecticut with two rooms that boast of pure, Therapeutic Grade Air, Lab Tested and Certified. Our salt cave was handmade by skilled craftsmen using Himalayan salt, wood and water. The floor is layered with salt crystals. The walls are lined in salt rock, creating an oasis rich with anions, (negatively charged ions), providing the ideal micro-climate, free from toxins and pollutants. Exposure to healthy levels of anions can oxygenate the bloodstream! Recharge, settle into one of our Salt Rooms, get ionized, decompress prior to your bodywork treatment at Salt of the Earth Spa. Our salt rooms give you flexibility in choosing your level of privacy. Begin your session in the Saltcave, or Lagoon Room for Anion Infusion/Salt Therapy. Meditate in our cave and feel the vibration of the salt, and the soft ringing of our gong. Clear your mind while releasing tension and other ailments of the body. Meditation has been practiced for thousands of years. When you meditate in our saltcave there are no airborne distractions. Having no particulates to stand in the way of your journey to that higher level of consciousness makes it easier to transition.
Salt Bed
Adjustable settings and a layer of soothing Himalayan salt crystals offer a unique experience for your individual needs. Our salt beds are designed to offer full-body and focused treatments to relieve skin, joint, muscle, and respiratory ailments. Heated salt granules enhance ionization and create a comfortable environment for your session. Like most therapeutic treatments repetitive sessions produce the best results. Sound therapy is also available to compliment your session.
Salt Family Room 
Our Salt Family Room provides a whimsical healing space where children can be themselves. Did you know the most concentrated level of pollutants reside from the ground level up to 4 feet ? Our little people are getting the brunt of the airborne pollutants! Children who experience respiratory symptoms are invited to find relief and have fun at our Spa. Our salt rooms have a state of the art halo generator that helps to relieve irritation without harm to sensitive airways in children. We have one of the most advanced air systems on the market bringing pure clean air to our saltrooms. We say with total confidence that there are thousands of healthy anions to breathe and absorb in each room. Little folks have smaller lungs and are closer to the ground where the most amount of unhealthy particulates can be found. Our Lagoon Room boasts anywhere from 5000 to 12,000 negative ions, a very healthy environment for children, and adults! Like most therapeutic treatments repetitive sessions produces the best results. Clean Air/Salt Therapy provides far- reaching benefits for young and old!
Better Breathing
Yoga teaches people to take slower, deeper breaths. This encourages the body’s natural relaxation response and healthy lung function. Join us for Salt Cave Yoga and Mediation classes and Oxygenate your bloodstream to improve flow for mind and body .
Improved Circulation
Yoga helps improve circulation and has proven to help lower blood pressure.
Stress Relief
Yoga reduces effects of stress on the body. This can lower heart rate and blood pressure, aid digestion and boost the immune system. It can also ease symptoms associated with anxiety, depression, fatigue, asthma and insomnia. Salt therapy also promotes stress reduction through the production of anions to boost the immune system and reduce chronic stress and fatigue.
Flexibility, Strength and Pain Relief
Yoga helps to improve flexibility and mobility, increasing range of movement and reducing aches and pains. Many people can’t touch their toes during their first yoga class. Gradually they begin to use the correct muscles. Over time, the ligaments, tendons and muscles lengthen, increasing elasticity, making more poses possible. Yoga also helps to improve body alignment resulting in better posture and helping to relieve back, neck, joint and muscle problems. Yoga asanas (postures) use every muscle in the body, helping to increase strength literally from head to toe. And, while these postures strengthen the body, they also provide an additional benefit of helping to relieve muscular tension.
Weight Management
Yoga (even less vigorous styles) can aid weight control efforts by reducing the cortisol levels as well as by burning excess calories and reducing stress. Yoga also encourages healthy eating habits and provides a heightened sense of well-being and self-esteem.
Inner Peace
The meditative aspects of yoga help many to reach a deeper, more spiritual and more satisfying place in their lives. Many who begin to practice for other reasons have reported this to be a key reason that yoga has become an essential part of their daily lives. The Salt Cave naturally produces high levels of anions, which results in the “clarity effect” that people love from Salt therapy treatments. “Anions” have been shown to reduce stress, headaches, lethargy, and depression
Salt of the Earth offers integrated sessions for complimentary services, combining massage therapy, salt therapy, and rehydration can help you achieve optimal benefits from each service.